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The Billericay School


At The Billericay School, we aim to help every student develop high aspirations towards their working life. We will challenge stereotypes and consider a broad and ambitious range of career options and aim to empower and enable all students to make informed choices about their career options.

We do this by use of the Gatsby Benchmarks (see Appendix 1 in our Careers Policy)

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) will be delivered to all students through a variety of methods including:

  • Specific Careers Education units within the Personal Development curriculum
  • Collapsed timetable events and days, including an Mock Interview Programme for Year 10 students
  • Curriculum Vitae workshops for Year 10 students
  • Assemblies and learning conversations with form tutors
  • The opportunity for a face-to-face interview with a qualified independent and impartial careers professional
  • Interviews with senior members of staff at key transition points (ages 14, 16, 18)
  • Work experience for Year 10 and Year 12 students
  • The embedding of the Key Competencies of problem solving, working with others, discussion, research and presentation in the wider curriculum
  • The provision and upkeep of a staffed and resourced Careers library within the Library
  • Access to events such as the annual Careers Convention held at The Billericay School, Year 9 Options events, Higher Education Fair and other relevant careers trips and visits
  • Continued and developing links with employers and employer organisations including current STEM projects for smaller, specific cohorts
  • The continued embedding of ‘every teacher is a teacher of careers’ and the provision of relevant continued professional development for members of staff 

Monitoring, evaluation and review

  • CEIAG is currently led by Mr A Wilson and Mrs K Smith.
  • Employers and exhibitors provide evaluation forms and student views are obtained by survey after Year 9 options events and Year 10 Mock Interview Programme.  
  • CEIAG policy and practice is compliant with all other school policies, including and especially its commitment to equal opportunities
  • Destination data is collected as both intended destinations and actual sustained destinations and this is used to both provide accountability and to review provision

Resources for students include:

  • access to a staffed careers library within the Library
  • access to a qualified careers professional and an independent service currently provided by Southend Connexions

Please use the link below for our Provider Access Policy Statement.

  Provider Access Policy Statement

If you would like any further information about careers education at The Billericay School please email info@billericayschool.com and include For the attention of the Head of Careers in the subject line.