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The Billericay School


At Billericay School we have an extensive rewards and recognition programme designed so that every student can achieve across a broad range of measures. It's incredibly important to us that every student's efforts and achievements are recognised. Below we have detailed each area of recognition and how students can achieve this.

Reward Points

Reward points are awarded to students for a variety of reasons including completing classwork to a high standard, being kind caring and considerate, consistently showing good effort and completion of homework.  Students who receive the highest number of reward points in the year could be awarded with one of the certificates below. These are awarded in honours assemblies each term.

Headteacher's Award


This award is very prestigious. It is for 'stand out' students who dedicate themselves to be a great student. A golden windmill badge and letter home from our Headteacher is also awarded. 

Heroes Postcards

Heroes postcards are given out every term. In every subject you will receive one if your teacher recognises you as a subject hero.


Scholars and Ambassador Badges

Scholars badges are awarded for every subject - it's our teachers way of recognising you as a fantastic student, and means you represent them by wearing the badge. Ambassador badges are incredibly rare - under 5 are given out per subject per year.

Honours Students

Honours can be awarded in any subject you study and are given three times per year for effort, attainment or attitude. The certificates are presented in honours assemblies that are held every term and are hosted by our Heads of Year, Senior Team and Governors. This is a public opportunity for celebration and recognition.

Sporting Awards


Other Awards



Those with fantastic attendance are recognised at the end of each term.



The Duke of Edinburgh Awards mean you are successful in 4 areas: volunteering, physical, skill and expedition. There are 3 levels - bronze, Silver and Gold.



Word millionaire badges are awarded once you have read 1 million words during your Accelerated Reader lessons.


You can apply to be a Prefect at the end of Year 10 via a written letter of application and interview.



Our community badge is awarded to those that volunteer to help and go above and beyond for the good of all, either inside or outside of school.


Those who exemplify the three values of our school are awarded a badge.





Sixth Form

The Sixth Form holds Honours assemblies for both year groups every Christmas and Easter which celebrate outstanding achievement as well as progress and effort.

After key assessment points top performing students receive letters of congratulations for their achievements. 

The Year 14 Governor's Awards Evening takes place every December where we present certificates to all our A level students and also reward excellence , progress and achievement across the curriculum at a ceremony at the Emanuel church.