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The Billericay School

Student Leadership 

Following the incredibly successful introduction of our Prefect Programme this year we are rolling leadership opportunities out across all year groups. Our Heads of Year and Pastoral Team will meet with their Ambassadors regularly and help to coach and mentor them into the Future Leaders of the next generation. We aim to build future Prime Minister, World Changers and Business Leaders. Young People capable of leading and making a difference in an ever changing world.

Year 7, 8, 9 Ambassadors

Up to 20 students in each year group can apply to be a Year Group Ambassador. Applications are made at the start of the year to the Head of Year and chosen by Heads of Year. This is a new initiative from September 2023.
Duties include:
  1. Year representative: You can represent your class in meetings with other student leaders, teachers, and SLT. You can also be the point of contact for your classmates, listening to their concerns and feedback.

  2. Club leader: You can start a club or join an existing one (run by staff or a Sixth Former) that aligns with your interests and passions. This will give you the opportunity to work with other students who share similar goals and make a difference in your school community.

  3. Student Buddy: You can offer support and guidance to younger students, especially those who need a friend. This can involve providing academic assistance or simply being a listening ear.

  4. Event organiser: You will help plan and coordinate school charity events

  5. Primary school liaison and parents events. You will represent us whenever we need students to represent us at events

  6. Playground Leader: You will wear a ‘High Viz’ vest and can be the ‘go to’ person for any students needing help at break and lunchtime


Year 10 students can apply to become school prefects midway through year 10 and assume their duties in the final summer term of Year 10. This is an extremely prestigious position. There are approximately 40 prefect positions each year and these are applied for via a written application and interview. Prefects where the windmill tie.

Duties Include:

  1. Prefects act as role models for all students in the school.  They meet and maintain the highest standards of courtesy, academic effort, kindness,  attendance and punctuality and correct wearing of the school uniform.  They uphold our values of curiosity, aspiration and success

  2. Prefects are kind, helpful and polite.  They  support their school by maintaining an atmosphere of cooperation, peace and unity, they set an example for all students.

  3. Prefects carry out regular duties at lunch and break time as and when required helping staff create a calm, kind and friendly social atmosphere. This may be in the library, in the SEND social clubs, or supporting designated spaces for the Year 7 and Year 8 students.

  4. Prefects may be a ‘buddy’  for a student in lower or upper school

  5. Prefects take a key role in the induction of new students to the school.  They assist on Induction events for Year 6 and 7 students and are tour  guides during  Open Evenings, Mornings, and for Mid-Year transitions.

  6. Prefects represent the school at  Parents' Information Evenings

  7. Prefects take part  in social community activities; both in school such as Billericay Beat the Blues; and outreach work  with other organisations within the local community (such as volunteering at events at the Pioneer School)

  8. Prefects create and maintain House displays

  9. Helping leadership wise with the year 7 Fete.

  10. Student Voice is incredibly important to us. Leading on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion within our School with the Deputy Headteacher.

Senior Prefects

Due to the success of our Year 11 Prefects many asked for us to look at this for Sixth Form, and so we have. Applications will open every September for Senior Prefects. They are identifiable by their Senior Prefect lanyward.

Senior Prefect Duties Include:

  1. Carry out regular duties at lunch and break time helping staff create a calm, kind and friendly social atmosphere. This may be in the library, in social clubs, on the astro or by creating and leading on a lunchtime club

  2. Work closely with the Head of Sixth Form organising a number of events as well as supporting our House system by representing a House and helping the lower school leadership team raise money for charity; taking a role in the induction of new students to the school and representing the Sixth Form at key events such as Open Day and Parents' Information Evenings.

  3. Provide a positive role model to which other students should aspire. Meet and maintain the highest standards of courtesy, academic effort, kindness, attendance and punctuality and uphold our values of curiosity, aspiration and success

  4. Represent the school at important events throughout the year, e.g Open Evening, Y7 Induction Day and Y5 Adventure challenge Day.

  5. Be a buddy for a student in lower or upper school.

  6. Help as mentors in the Hub for children struggling to settle or in homework club after school

  7. Provide Governors, school leaders, parents and Trust tours

  8. Help the PE department as Sports Captains, helping out in PE lessons, after school fixtures and lunchtime clubs.

  9. Act as a supportive role model to an allocated lower school tutor group and assist the form tutor with the delivery of registration time activities on allocated days 

  10. Lead assemblies every half term within SF to celebrate success, inspire further endeavour and engender the supportive and friendly ethos of the school.

  11. Take part  in community activities, such as Billericay Big Bash (senior citizens Christmas party) and other similar events.

  12. Lead on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion within our School. Student Voice is incredibly important to us. 

  13. Run a school club either before school, at lunch or after school.